Creation of this website was greatly facilitated by the program's "HTML Dump" menu action. HTML Dump results in an html-lised translation of the content of the proof pane. For instance if the proof pane looks as follows,


then HTML Dump results in generates following HTML code:

<div class="proof">Const 0 c;< span class="annotation"><span class="ok">OK. </span> </span> Var 0 d;<span class="annotation"><span class="ok">OK. </span></span> Var 0 x;<span class="annotation"><span class="ok">OK. </span></span> Var 0 e;<span class="annotation"><span class="ok">OK. </span></span>Var 1 d&lt;e;<span class="annotation"> <span class="ok">OK. </span></span >T0: (c=c),(d=d)⊨(∀(&lt;)(d=e)) Cheat;<span class="annotation"> <span class="ok">OK. </span></span> T1: (c=c),e=e⊨((d=e)≡(d&lt;e)) Cheat;<span class="annotation"> <span class="ok">OK. </span></span> T2: d=d,e=e,c=c,x=x⊨(∀(&lt;)(<span class="hilight2">d <span class="hilight1"><span class="underline">&lt; </span></span>e</span>)) <span class="hilight2" >SubLR(T0,T1)</span>;<span class="annotation">< span class="error">Variable capture after free occurence 0 of LHS of Δ<span class="subscript">T1</span> in Δ<span class="subscript">T0</span> replaced with RHS of Δ <span class="subscript">T1</span>. </span></span> T3: d=d,e=e,c=c⊨(∀(&lt;)(d=e)) <span class="hilight2">Rep( <span class="hilight1"><span class="underline">T2</span> </span>)</span>;<span class="annotation"><span class="error">Atom 'T2' is not defined.</span></span> </div>

This html code will then appear on this webpage as follows:

Const 0 c;OK. Var 0 d;OK. Var 0 x;OK. Var 0 e;OK. Var 1 d<e;OK. T0: (c=c),(d=d)⊨(∀(<)(d=e)) Cheat;OK. T1: (c=c),e=e⊨((d=e)≡(d<e)) Cheat;OK. T2: d=d,e=e,c=c,x=x⊨(∀(<)(d<e)) SubLR(T0,T1);Variable capture after free occurence 0 of LHS of ΔT1 in ΔT0 replaced with RHS of ΔT1. T3: d=d,e=e,c=c⊨(∀(<)(d=e)) Rep(T2);Atom 'T2' is not defined.


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